thanks a lot,mr. pokemon go
thanks a lot,mr. pokemon go
you need a lot of stitches there Dave...
thats a brave dog lol
Good thing you survived where no one gets hurt. The bad guys deserves much pain! :D
''sun gun,bitches''should Vladimir Putin say
Those aren't knights,those are hippy's that try to be cool
Screw you,witch!Good art also
It would be awesome if there were an fight with those traps.
But they're not living things except for the annoying dog... It would be nice to see the traps in action in the battle screen.
You actually used sprites
If I try to ripped sprites and sell it I would be sued... I never sell any art that contains ripped sprites. I want some of my art to be original.
And the phone is broken!Carl 1,phone 0!
You are amazing :D
Thanks. Honestly I think every other artists are amazing.
Age 29, Male
Joined on 8/20/15